Discover, Compare & Connect
The payments market is growing quickly, new players, new methods, new channels. There’s more choice for an ever expanding merchant base with increasing transaction volumes.
Shuttle wants to enable merchants to find the right payment services and use compatible platforms to run their business. We believe that the pie is big enough for many players to exist and that a free market, enabling choice is good for business and consumers.
Shuttle provides an ecosystem where software platforms and payment providers can be presented and connected in the best possible way to merchants.
You’ve never seen anything like this before
- Merchant leads
- Ecommerce software distribution
- Direct marketing possibilities

The Exhibit product provides a listing in the marketplace with the ability to get leads directly to your sales team. It provides transparent listing and lead management. It’s free with a revenue share agreement.
The Access product is where you payment gateway or service is integrated into Shuttle and therefore available to all our software platform partners. It saves you huge amounts of time and effort and becomes your platform integration strategy. It also increases the leads that you get through the marketplace due to it positioning your services inside ecommerce software applications.
A PSP in 5 with Shuttle
Let’s work together
- Turbocharge your platform strategy with lifetime access for the price of 12 months
- Your PSP in new regularly added to new platforms for a one-time payment
- We’ll help you win new merchants, and increase existing merchants’ transaction volume